God provided manna, literal bread from heaven, each and every day of the Israelites’ 40 year journey through the desert. The nourishing provision was there without fail for every step of their journey. And then one day… the manna stops.
Every day, the Israelites were to collect only enough manna they needed that day, except for the sixth day. On the sixth day, they were to collect enough for 2 days. Any other day, if someone collected more than they needed, the excess would spoil. However, God allowed for enough on the sixth day to cover the Sabbath.
This provision lasted for 40 years.

And, then, one morning there was no manna to collect for the day’s provision. Why would God suddenly stop providing for the Israelites after a very long 40 years?
Well, He didn’t.
God’s provision never stopped. It was just different.
The manna stopped the day after they ate this food from the land; there was no longer any manna for the Israelites, but that year they ate the produce of Canaan.
Joshua 5:12
One journey was ending, and another journey was beginning.
The Israelites didn’t need the manna any longer. Manna was God’s provision for their journey in the desert. The produce of the Promised Land was God’s provision for their new journey. This land filled with milk and honey. The sweetness of God’s provision for the people He loved, even when they were unlovable.
Isn’t this so like God, our Provider?! He gives us exactly what we need, exactly when we need it, whether we deserve it or not.
When the manna stops, His provision continues.
Sometimes it is not obvious. Sometimes it is a just little harder to find, but it is there. He hasn’t stopped providing for you.
One day, when your manna stops, look around. Shake the desert dust off your sandals, and know there is a new provision being made for you.
One journey is ending, and another one is beginning.
Your journey in the desert will be over and you will be able to eat the produce of the promised land.
In His Grace,

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