I have just begun reading through the Bible from Genesis to Revelation in a year. As I read this last week’s verses, I was hit again with the realization that God’s provision is not dependent on how good or perfect we are, but on His love for us.
Adam and Eve were given a world of perfection, along with the free will to choose. They were given one rule, “Do not eat from the tree of the knowledge of good and evil, for when you eat of it you will surely die.”
They each chose to disobey God.
Their sin brought about our separation from God. They received the knowledge of good and evil and we all received a death sentence.
However, even in the midst of their sin, God still provided for them.
The Lord God made garments of skin for Adam and his wife and clothed them.
Genesis 3:21
Fig leaves were not going to provide protection against the harsh world outside the perfection of the Garden of the Eden.
I was still reflecting on God’s provision as I read on through the story of Cain and Abel. We often focus on Cain’s jealousy of his brother, but as I read this again I noticed one verse I have passed over many times.
But the Lord said to him, “Not so; if anyone kills Cain, he will suffer vengeance seven times over.” Then the Lord put a mark on Cain so that no one who found him would kill him.”
Genesis 4:15
Cain had been making bad choices long before he lifted a hand and became a murderer. This wasn’t one moment of losing control and regretting a mistake. The Lord had already warned Cain that “sin is crouching at your door” (Genesis 4:7), but Cain didn’t listen.
Cain repeatedly chose to disobey God.
When God revealed the consequence for Cain’s sin, even Cain knew it would not turn out well because he would be hidden from God’s presence. God could have given Cain what he deserved, but instead he showed him mercy and provided protection.
Despite Cain’s sin, God still provided protection for Cain through a mark. A mark that would spare his life.
I don’t know about you, but I repeatedly choose to disobey God. Not intentionally and many times without even realizing the choice I have made.
But there is good news!
God loves us so much, He continues to provide for us – even in the midst of our sin. Like Adam and Eve, and like Cain, our sinful actions have consequences. However, God still provides for us every day because He never stops loving us.
And because of His love for us, He provided a pardon for that death sentence. He provided a way for us to always be with Him.
God provided Jesus.
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