We love our oils! We enjoy their scents and their therapeutic benefits at home, but traveling with essential oils can seem challenging. Which ones should I take? Can I fly with my oils? How do I keep them safe?

You won’t be able to anticipate every single reason you may need to oil up while you are away from home. However, you can be prepared without too much fuss.
Here are 5 tips for traveling with essential oils:

Be selective
Don’t try to take every oil in your supply. Start with those oils you use every single day. Think about the oils you use when you are getting ready in the morning or during your nightly routine. For me, I need Manuka and Peace & Calming. They are the ones I use without fail each day.
Add in those oils which are versatile and could be used for various situations. Oils such Frankincense, Peppermint, and Lavender are great ones to take along on any trip.
Make a Must Pack List
Make a list of the essentials and keep it handy. What are the must pack oils with you need to take with you? Having a list already prepared when it is time to pack, keeps you from playing the guessing game each time you are getting ready for a trip.
I wish I had thought of this sooner, because I was scrambling to figure out what to take with me for our 2 week trip over Christmas. I forgot Peppermint of all things and my daughter ended up with bites all around her ankles, and me with nothing natural to help her.

Use smaller bottles
5ml bottles work great because they hold plenty of oil, but don’t take up as much room. Also, sample sized bottles are a good option for those “just in case” oils, like Eucalyptus to open up you breathing canals.

Put them in your carry on
You can fly with your oils as long as you follow the TSA liquid regulations. Each person is allowed to bring one quart sized Ziploc bag of 3.4 oz bottles. If you need more space than your one allotted bag, don’t forget to spread them out over the rest of your traveling companions.
Having your oils with you in the airports and on the planes, not only allows you to use them as needed it also keeps them relatively safe. Unfortunately, they can easily walk out of your suitcase once you leave your luggage at the check-in counter.
Use an essential oil travel bag
These bags are especially designed with little pockets to hold individual bottles to help protect them from knocking into each other. They are a great way to keep your oils together and portable during your travels.
You can even include an empty one in your carry on when flying. Transfer your bottles from the Ziploc bag into the case after you go through security if you are concerned about breakage.

Traveling with essential oils is easier and less frustrating than you think!
Don’t be afraid to take them along with you on your next trip!
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