When we look toward God and all He has created, we feel very insignificant. When we think about all we have done, all the mistakes we have made, we can feel completely undeserving of His love. Yet, He loves and cares for us despite all our failures and mistakes.
Our 15 year old daughter preached in church recently. She has preached a time or two before and her spiritual insights at such a young and tender age, have always amazed me. I thought I would share her word with you in case you are needing that reassurance of how much you are loved by your heavenly Father.

Calvin and Hobbes is a comic strip following the life of seven year old Calvin and his imaginary friend, Hobbes. I have five books on my shelf that are collections of these comics. In one of them, Calvin is standing alone under a night sky filled with numerous stars. In the second frame, Calvin shouts “I am significant!” and a couple frames later he says “as a dust speck.”
We live in a solar system, in a galaxy with thousands of solar systems, in a universe with millions of galaxies. The universe is ginormous, and in comparison, we really are like little teeny tiny specks of dust. Yet God still loves and cares for us tiny, little, insignificant humans in the middle of all that vastness.
Have you ever had someone give you an amazing gift or praise you for something in a way you feel like you don’t deserve? Well, then how do you feel about God’s love?
In Psalm 8:3-9, we read how David is baffled that, out of all God’s amazing creations, He chose to love and give authority over His creation to humans. In Genesis it says:
God blessed them and said to them, “Be fruitful and increase in number; fill the earth and subdue it. Rule over the fish in the sea and the birds in the sky and over every living creature that moves on the ground.” Then God said, “I give you every seed-bearing plant on the face of the whole earth and every tree that has fruit with seed in it. They will be yours for food. And to all the beasts of the earth and all the birds in the sky and all the creatures that move along the ground—everything that has the breath of life in it—I give every green plant for food.” And it was so.
Genesis 1:28-30, NIV
God gave dominion of His creation to Adam, and even though Adam and Eve took care of the garden of Eden at first, they both disobeyed God. This man and woman whom He had given life to had essentially rejected him by doubting His word. Yet, God still provided for them. Yes, it was a harder lifestyle, but they still thrived because God had not turned away from them. If he had given up on them, they would have died a lot sooner than 930 years old!

Hundreds of years later, God had almost given up on humankind and decided to send a flood to wipe out everything on the earth. The people were completely undeserving of His love. But even at that low point, He didn’t completely give up on us. He warned Noah about what was going to happen and told him exactly how to survive.
Even Jonah, who went as far as to try to go to the opposite side of the world, was welcomed back the moment he came back to God.
Then, even further along the line, the apostle John declares Jesus’ true purpose.

God loves us to the point that He would send His own son to be tortured on the cross so that we can have the chance to be with Him for eternity.
Us, who are imperfect sinners and have turned away from him again and again.
Us, who will try to run to the other end of the world to get away from His expectations.
But, in reality, all He wants is for us to choose to love Him and spread His love to others. And, yes, that’s easier said than done. However, in return, He gives us His peace and a love so strong, if you were the only person on the earth, He would still send Jesus to die for you.
Our God, so amazing He can create the universe out of nothing, loves you that much!
Throughout the almost 2,022 years since Jesus’s sacrifice, God has saved people over and over again. He is always willing to accept them back after they stray from His path. Despite us being undeserving of His love, He is willing to give us second chances upon second chances. He is willing to forgive us not seven times, but seventy times seven.
Even though we are undeserving of His love, God loves us and invites us into a relationship with Him.
Because although, insignificant in the vast universe, we are extremely significant to Him.
Plumbs’ song, Don’t Deserve You, was part of the inspiration for my daughter’s sermon. It’s a beautiful conclusion to her message, so be sure to listen here.
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